



  • Olympiad Training Materials from IMOmath.
  • Mathematical Olympiad Treasures by Titu Andreescu, Bogdan Enescu
  • 101 Problems in Algebra by Titu Andreescu, Zuming Feng
  • Mathematical Olympiad Challenges by Titu Andreescu, Răzvan Gelca
  • Putnam and Beyond by Răzvan Gelca, Titu Andreescu
  • A video by Zlatko Salko Lagumdžija.

These notes may be useful

  • to the students who would like to have a look at some of the past RMO problem before getting started, or just curious about it.

  • as a reference, to anyone who would like to provide guidance to students, and is eager to do so as soon as having the relevant questions across the topics and sub-topics available in an organized form.